Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Job Searches: Times Change

Are you using social networks to find employment?
If not, you're missing an important tool. One of my clients was found through LinkedIn when his profile matched an employer's needs. the employer sought him out and the match was perfect.

Here are some important ways to use social networks to build your confidence connections:
  • your photo
  • a strong and accurate bio/resume/description of you and your background
  • having others post recommendations on your LinkedIn page
  • joining groups with people who would be of assistance to you
  • participating in group discussions so you become known and can demonstrate your expertise
  • establish connections to 'connectors' (those extroverts who get around and seem to know everyone)
  • add connections to those in your industry
  • don't forget connections to friends and family who will learn more about you and what you do from that bio you wrote
  • sharing your connections with others
For more info on social networking and other job search tips, click on the title of this article and read a recent newspaper article on this subject.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Managing your Professional Image

Click the link in the title of this article and help yourself to some good tips on maintaining your professional image when using social networking tools. Perhaps you'll know everything in this and it will serve as a reminder. But, from what I have seen much of this isn't applied. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Examiner.com Social Media Marketing to build Confidence Connections

Here's a Great way to build your confidence connections to social media marketing.

The title of this blog is a link to an interesting article on using Social Medial Marketing. 
This article was posted on Examiner.com. 
Examiner.com is a hosting site for vetted professionals wishing to share their expertise with like-minded individuals. I am a contributing editor to this website and can testify to the high quality of my colleagues. I recommend a subscription because, justlike earticle.com you don't have to sign up for someone's news to access this information.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Social Networking

On June 23 I attended my first meeting of Professional Women's Network http://pwnscal.ning.com/
and enjoyed meeting some outstanding women professionals. 
Here is a follow-up note I created for the attendees. 

Greetings to all you wonderful women. I have a few ideas to pass on but first my sincere thanks to Victoria and Kym for an outstanding overview of social networking. If I wasn't convinced that this is a necessary addition to my marketing plan (and, indeed free), I would be now.

On that subject:

For those who want an in depth intro to starting/expanding/utilizing your social networking options, I'm offering a one-time training using LinkedIn as the example of how all this works. The meeting for this will be Friday morning, July 10, 7:30 AM at the Rancho Park Golf Club meeting house (at Patricia and Pico Blvd). If you are interested in joining us (the special fee for this event is 20 bucks, including breakfast), then please sign up by visiting the Network LA site on meetup la (here's the link):

If this link doesn't work, then subscribe to meetup and you can find Network LA and register for the meeting that way: http://www.meetup.com/

Below are some pearls of wisdom by category so skip what you know:

If you go to google alerts: http://www.google.com/alerts
you can register or log in and enter some key words and receive a daily log of articles containing those words. So, if you want more info on the whys and hows of social networking, then those are you key words. You'll find tons of free materials for your use (also a lot of sign up and buy me, which you can skip, really). Almost everything you need to know about these sites is within the sites themselves in the tutorials. It's amazing how much free material there is and how much folks are paying for the same information. The best use of your $$ is to have a tutorial in person or on a webinar so you can apply your learning immediately. Plowing through the tutorials requires some knowledge of the lingo these sites use in common and that take some time.

More on Google Alerts in another email.

Are you sending e'zines (electronic magazines)? If not, then that needs to be added to your to-do list. Social networking alone is not enough to foster your client base and keep you on their minds.
That said, I am adding you to my ezine list. You can email me back declining, decline when you receive the first ezine or help yourself to the info I share with my readers.

Start with one (see the offer above) of the networks. Once you're familiar with one of these sites, you'll realize they are all very similar. And, if you have more than one of these networks up and running then visit: http://ping.fm/ and sign up for this free application and consolidate your messages into one easy (and free) system.


If you don't have one already, please find an old-fashioned telephone address book for your social networking and on-line memberships. I cannot tell you the horror stories I have heard about not organizing this material. First, if you have it on your computer, and you crash your computer, you have to start over. Second, you think you'll remember but...you won't. I promise.

If you're interested in attending the training scheduled for July 10, then follow the instructions above.
Success=wisdom. Work with a coach who has both: hhttp://budurl.com/eptj

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Imagine having someone to talk with who understands what it means to need to change direction! Visit: http://ping.fm/L95sk
Invited to write for Workplace50+. I will accept and I'm looking forward to it.

The past three weeks have been flat out wild for me. Among holiday preparations, clients, and my writing, I have been working day and night, violating my own ‘laws of Be-ing and Do-ing’. My epiphany happened when I was about to spend Sunday afternoon developing yet another to-do list and yet was so exhausted I couldn’t pull myself up off the couch. My JOY quotient hit a low mark. And, knowing this life in the fast lane is a problem for many professionals, I decided to get back to basics and share my knowledge with myself and my readers.

What I know to be true is we don’t need to DO we need to BE.

So, I went to the movies & I felt like a new woman as soon as I made the decision to relax and take the evening off. When I returned to my office the next morning, I was refreshed and ready to conquer the to-do list.

So, if you’re overwhelmed by work, life, chores, or worries, try using the following ‘rules’ for taking a break and BE instead of adding more DO to your life. You’ll be glad you did.

Some research-based rules for Balancing Do-ing and Be-ing:

1. STOP: Finish reading this article and then plan to do something joyful
2. FOCUS: Decide your core business model so you don’t spin your wheels and spend your time and money on things that won’t matter.
3. ACT with AWARENESS: Increase your productivity & creativity by resting your brain for 24 hours at least once per week.
4. PLAN: Work fills the time available so reduce your available time and increase your effectiveness.
5. STRATEGIZE: Think big picture by taking a 12-month perspective and planning your vacations and down time to help set goals and strategy.
6. GROW: Network to fill your business pipeline full.
7. EXERCISE: clear the mind and stay positive.
8. HYDRATE: Drink plenty of water to keep your body strong.
9. SUPPORT: Hire a professional certified life/business coach to support you to balance your Do/Be activities.
Confidence Connections Tip: Be humble but not needy at the interview.
Changing interview strategies to deal with Gen Y mindset - fun!
Saw Ali Brown's new website: http://www.alibrown.com . Very nice.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Confidence Connections Tip: Are you working every day? Treat job hunting as a full-time job. Get up, get dressed, get to work.
Handling obstructionists managers for HR
Confidence Connections Tip: Don't delay when you see a job, apply for it!
Building your Private Practice Business: 5 Steps to a Success
(and not one is about social networking)

If you’re in private practice as a coach, therapist, or consultant, for example, then you’re dealing with potential clients and customers. And that means, like it or not, you’re…selling. And, likely you hate that word. (It has all sorts of overtones to widgets, pressure, disrespect, cold calling, etc.) All the junk we impute into the idea of selling are confidence trashers, by the way!

Okay, so let’s change the mindset to…relationship building. That way you don’t have to sell anything at all. You just have to listen and look for the match between your services and the person’s needs. Here’s what I teach my clients about ‘not-selling’.

If you goal is to build your practice and make a difference in the world, then your strategy is to get the ‘right’ clients to say something akin to: “I can’t wait to work with you.” Or, “ I hope you have room in your practice for me.” How do you implement this strategy?

1. Build trust: You do this by helping your prospective client feel safe with you by releasing them from any pressure to hire you. Then you build rapport by listening carefully to their presenting issues. If you can hear the ‘need under the need’ you can touch on that so the person feels understood. You’re building trust!

2. Make room for difference: Allow yourself and your prospective client to have differences of opinion or analysis. You can posit a different perspective, opportunities, and point of view so that it becomes obvious that you’re independent yet aligned with the person.

3. Look for commitments: NOT commitment to work together but commitment around how you work with your clients. Your strategy, for example.

4. Set accountability: How would you work with this person? In person, via telephone. How will they know you’re accountable? What do you tolerate from clients. For example, I work with many executives who cannot be sure they can make their appointments so I have a 12-hour cancellation policy instead of 24 hours. This gives us more freedom and I have designed projects I can do should I have a free slot in my day. It all works out well in the end. I do my best to be flexible where I can and yet set very high standards for completing assignments.

5. Outline goals: If the client comes to you with a presenting problem (difficult employee) but their fulfillment goal is a strong high-functioning dependable team, then invite the person to have this bigger goal.

More questions than answers? Call your Confidence Coach, Kathleen Schulweis, CPCC, PCC:
Building private practices and saving relationships for more years than she cares to admit.
Confidence Connections Tip: Get out to networking events

Friday, June 19, 2009

*Free* Special Report, “Kolbe Summary”. Discover yourself & find out your instinctive method of operation http://ping.fm/58Ry9
Free Rpt“12 VITALLY IMPORTANT AND HELPFUL NETWORKING TIPS” Strengthen ur networking strategies! http://ping.fm/vhI8G
Confidence Connections Tip: Know how you solve problems and be sure to use those words during your job interview.
If you wish u could find ur way, then u need a professional certified coach who focuses on building confidence & knowledge http://ow.ly/eF8x
Confidence Connections has a NEW Facebook Page. Pls visit-I'll share Confidence Building Info http://ping.fm/nszpj
"Cornerstones of Confidence” Insightful *Free* Rpt providing guidance for self-confidence. http://ping.fm/3Ri0j
Article, “The Office Bully - Can You Stand Up For Yourself?”

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Free Report, "How to Hire and Keep the Best Person for the Job" http://ping.fm/QiuXB
Feeling the pain of fear? Answers here: http://ping.fm/oECI8
Confidence Connections Tip: Release the employer 'thinking of the company and their needs, not mine'
Top way to grow a biz: Public Speaking: http://budurl.com/bzf7
Wrong mental attitude? Then you're doomed: http://ping.fm/n7WZW

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

“Cornerstones of Confidence” Insightful *Free* Rpt providing guidance for self-confidence. http://ping.fm/8VvEx
Imagine having someone to talk with who understands what it means to need to change direction! Visit: http://ping.fm/CfUt1
Can you explain to others the work you are seeking? http://ping.fm/m5Jbx
Confidence Connections Tip: During interview, don't sell yourself - act as a consultant at the interview
Article, “The Office Bully - Can You Stand Up For Yourself?”
I invite u to become a Fan of my Facebook Page, where I'll share Confidence Building Info http://ping.fm/pDnUN
Beware of Scam in LA: Documentarians r calling Coaches to be on film, but it's a set up 2 provoke outrage from coach.Kind of Borat redu!
“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Arthur Ashe

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground." ~Henrik Ibsen
Top way to grow a biz - Public Speaking. Visit: http://budurl.com/bzf7
Confidence Connections Tip: Interview Tip~ Be humble but not needy at the interview
All true success depends at last upon yourself: http://ping.fm/1JaRa

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ssuccess and core values: friends or foes? http://budurl.com/eptj
"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." ~Edmund Hillary
*Free* Special Report, “Kolbe Summary”. Discover yourself & find out your instinctive method of operation http://ping.fm/2Te0g
“Cornerstones of Confidence” Insightful *Free* Rpt providing guidance for self-confidence. http://ping.fm/vqpxZ
Confidence Connections Tip: On your Resume - Know how you solve problems, and use those words
Free Rpt“12 VITALLY IMPORTANT AND HELPFUL NETWORKING TIPS” Strengthen ur networking strategies! http://ping.fm/jGxjo

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."~Norman Vincent Peale
Anyone can fail. do you have the confidence to take a chance?
Belief in a thing makes it happen, along with lots of hard work: http://ping.fm/nwyhP
Confidence Connections Tip: Match your resume with key words
"Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable."~Wendy Wasserstein
New Report: Cornerstones of Confidence: http://ping.fm/DurQZ
"If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price." ~Author Unknown
Feeling the pain of fear? Answers here: http://ping.fm/4GalN
Confidence Connections Tip: Job searching is a job not an avocation. Get to work. To your success!
Confidence Connections TIp: Get out to networking events

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Success and core values: friends or foes? http://budurl.com/eptj
Success=wisdom. Work with a coach who has both: http://budurl.com/eptj
Wrong mental attitude? Then you're doomed: http://ping.fm/dXHN7
All true success depends at last upon yourself: http://ping.fm/ecMlh
Feeling the pain of fear? Answers here: http://ping.fm/5VlPw
Know your instinctive problem-solving style? http://budurl.com/eptj
Anyone can fail. Do you have the confidence to take a chance?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are u arranging informational interviews? Use ur network to meet others & arrange an informational interview. http://ping.fm/x7tCM
*Free* Special Report, “Kolbe Summary”. Discover yourself & find out your instinctive method of operation http://ping.fm/9kHPp
"Impatience never commanded success." E. H. Chapin. Visit: http://budurl.com/eptj
Free Rpt“12 VITALLY IMPORTANT AND HELPFUL NETWORKING TIPS” Strengthen ur networking strategies! http://ping.fm/fHWaq
“Cornerstones of Confidence” Insightful *Free* Rpt providing guidance for self-confidence. http://ping.fm/5C8JU
*Free*Report,“Confidence Connections--Networking Strategies”Strategies for professionals http://ping.fm/SeGYb
Article, “The Office Bully - Can You Stand Up For Yourself?”
Are you keeping your resume fresh? It is critical that you keep active and keep adding new actions to your resume.
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."~
Robert Collier
Belief in a thing makes it happen, along with lots of hard work: http://ping.fm/0cu4J
Article, “Are You 'Crash Dieting' Your Business?” http://ping.fm/oh08B

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/Tzq27 Today only! Great Father's Day gift
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/DPQt3 Today only! Great Father's Day gift
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/zjAde Today only! Great Father's Day gift
"Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment." Thomas Carlyle
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/KceXt Today only! Great Father's Day gift
Success=wisdom. Work with a coach who has both: hhttp://budurl.com/eptj
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/V19lD Today only! Great Father's Day gift
Empowered from birth or did someone cut your cocoon? Find confidence at: http://budurl.com/eptj
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/9b7Bm Today only! Great Father's Day gift
Top way to grow a business: public speaking. Visit: http://budurl.com/bzf7
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/2JAEe Today only! Great Father's Day gift
DIVE IN! Help us make Parenting Dad #1 on Amazon! Ck out the gifts you get - http://ping.fm/mrAXU Today only! Great Father's Day gift

Monday, June 8, 2009

Would you like to have self-confidence that comes from a strong belief in yourself? http://ping.fm/jOZIT
Are u ready 2 start making more money,having bigger/better sales successes, work fewer hrs/do more of what u enjoy?http://ping.fm/XQsT5
Can you explain to others the work you are seeking? Know who u are, what direction you’re heading & what u have to offer. http://ow.ly/cXlS
Free Rpt“12 VITALLY IMPORTANT AND HELPFUL NETWORKING TIPS” Strengthen ur networking strategies! http://ping.fm/eNC7r
Know your instinctive problem-solving style? http://budurl.com/eptj
"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face." Helen Keller
"Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” Joseph Campbell

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Feeling the pain of fear? Answers here: http://ping.fm/6YGJQ
Empowered from birth or did someone cut your cocoon? Find confidence at: http://budurl.com/eptj
*Free* Special Report, “Kolbe Summary”. Discover yourself & find out your instinctive method of operation http://ping.fm/JEIbI

Friday, June 5, 2009

Success=wisdom. Work with a coach who has both: hhttp://budurl.com/eptj
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." Robert Collier
"Impatience never commanded success" E. H. Chapin. visit: http://budurl.com/eptj
Free Rpt“12 VITALLY IMPORTANT AND HELPFUL NETWORKING TIPS” Strengthen ur networking strategies! http://ping.fm/DgESu
“Cornerstones of Confidence” Insightful *Free* Rpt providing guidance for self-confidence. http://ping.fm/Olnqk
Are you working every day?Treat job hunting as a full-time job. Get up, get dressed, get to work. Clock in. Clock out. Keep notes, set goals
*Free*Report,“Confidence Connections--Networking Strategies”Strategies for professionals http://ping.fm/KZLwK
Article, “The Office Bully - Can You Stand Up For Yourself?”
Are observing proper etiquette when you’re networking? Always dress as if you’re going on a job interview. Arrive on time. Be courteous.
Can you explain to others the work you are seeking? Know who u are, what direction you’re heading & what u have to offer. http://ow.ly/bjH4
Article, “Are You 'Crash Dieting' Your Business?” http://ping.fm/74KHf